Kinnisvara Hispaanias / Ostja juhend

Kui kaalute Hispaanias kinnisvara ostmist, on esimene asi, mis selgeks teha, teie eelarve. Lisaks tegelikule küsitavale ostuhinnale peate arvestama umbes 13% ostutasudega notari-, kinnistusraamatu- ja juriidilise tasu eest:

10% IVA / käibemaks
1% õigustasud (hinnanguline)
1,6 % kinnistusametitasud / notaritasud

Kui vajate hüpoteeklaenu, tuleb tasuda lisaks 1-2% laenusummast.

Kui oled oma kinnisvara leidnud, makstakse tavaliselt 3000-6000€ tagatisraha. See eemaldab kinnisvara turult. Selles etapis soovitame tungivalt otsida sõltumatut juriidilist nõu. Teie advokaat saab kinnisvararegistrist (Registro de la Propiedad) dokumendi ja siit leiate üksikasjad kõigi kinnisvaraga seotud tasumata võlgade kohta. Samuti ütleb see teile, kes on seaduslik omanik ja et kõik kirjeldused vastavad tegelikkusele. Esialgne sissemakse tuleb teile tagastada, kui teie advokaat pole millegagi rahul.

Kui kõik sobib, sõlmitakse ostja ja müüja vahel privaatne ostuleping ning tasutakse 10% tagatisraha. Tavaliselt on tegemist lihtsa dokumendiga, milles müüja väljendab oma kavatsust vara ostjale üle anda. Ostja väljendab oma kavatsust osta kokkulepitud hinna ja tingimustega. Tavaliselt kaotab ostja selles etapis tagatisraha, kui ostja lepingust taganeb. Kui müüja taganeb, peab ta kahekordselt tagasi maksma.

Selle lepingu sees on valmimiskuupäev. Tehingu lõpuleviimiseks lepib teie advokaat notariga kokku tehingu aja. Seejärel, kui kõik on korras, allkirjastavad kõik osapooled Escritura (notariaalse lepingu). Notar on riigiametnik, tema allkiri on vajalik lepingu kinnitamiseks avalikeks aktideks, mille saab kanda kinnistusraamatusse. Kui te ei saa notari juures käia, võidakse korraldada volikiri, mis võimaldab teisel isikul teie nimel osaleda.

Igaüks, kes ostab kinnisvara, peab hankima NIE numbri. See on maksukohustuslasena registreerimisnumber ja seda nõuab Hispaania seadus. See on mõeldud igale inimesele, kes töötab või elab Hispaanias. Seda on lihtne korraldada, kuid igas linnas on erinev meetod ja soovitame teie valitud piirkonnas juriidilist nõu küsida.

Samuti on vaja avada Hispaania pangakonto.

See on väga lihtne protsess. Ainus nõue on kehtiv pass ja esimene sissemakse. Enami- kel pankadel on inglise keelt kõnelevad töötajad ja internetipanga võimalused. Teie advokaat annab seejärel korralduse tasuda kõik kommunaalmaksed teie kontolt otsekorraldusega.

IBI (kohalikud hinnad) Prügi kogumine, teehooldus jne. Makstav summa sõltub kinnisvara suurusest.


Vesi ja elekter
Hooned ja sisu.
kinnisvara hispaanias


Unistuste kinnisvara ostmine Hispaanias on suur otsus ja seepärast pakume teile subsideeritud vaatamisreisi, et kergendada teil palju rasket tööd.

Oma eelarve teadmine on lihtne osa, kuid otsustada, millist piirkonda ja millist kinnisvara valida, võib olla väga raske. Räägime, kuulame ja siis anname nõu, et leida Sulle parim koht päikese käes.

Palun võtke meiega ühendust ja lepime tutvumiseks kuupäevad kokku.

Meie esindaja Hispaanias kohtab teid lennujaamas ja viib kohalikku 4* hotelli.

Sõltuvalt teie saabumisajast pakume teile terve päeva võimalusi, et näidata teile kinnisvara  teie eelarve piires ja teie valitud asukohas.

Näitame teile kohalikke linnu, randu, restorane ja vaatamisväärsusi.

Saame teile tutvustada panku, kes võivad vajadusel pakkuda kuni 70% finantseeringut.

Anname nõu mööblipoodide ja parimate pakkumiste kohta.

Pakume teile parimat nõu Hispaanias kinnisvara ostmisel advokaadiga. 

Seejärel viime teid tagasi lennujaama, olles saanud uusi teadmisi Hispaaniast ja kindlasti on palju mõtlemisainet.

Real Estate in Spain / Buyers Guide

When considering purchasing a property in Spain, the very first thing to get straight is your budget. On top of the actual asking purchase price you need to allow approximately 13% in purchasing fees for Notary, Land Registry and Legal Fees :-

  • 10% IVA/Transfer Tax
  • 1% Legal Fees (Estimate)
  • 1.6 % Land Registry Fees /Notary fees

If you require a mortgage, an additional 1-2 % of the loaned amount is also payable.

Once you have found your property, a deposit of €3000-€6000 is usually paid. This takes the property off the market. We strongly advise seeking independent legal advise at this stage.

Your lawyer will obtain a document from the Property Registry (Registro de la Propiedad) and here details of any debt outstanding relating to the property is found. It also tells you who the legal owner is and that all descriptions match with the sellers, for example square meter sizes. The initial deposit must be returned to you if your lawyer is unhappy with anything.

When you are satisfied, a private purchase contract is written up between the buyer and the seller and a 10% deposit is paid. It is usually a simple document in which the seller expresses their intent to transfer the property to the buyer. The buyer expresses their intent to buy at a set price and conditions agreed upon. Usually at this stage if the buyer backs out of the contract, they lose the deposit. If the seller backs out, they have to pay back double.

Within this contract there will be a date of completion. In order to finalise the transaction your lawyer will arrange a date with the Notary. Then, if all in order, all parties sign the Escritura (Deeds). The Notary is a Public Official. His signature is required to ‘elevate’ the private contract into public deeds which can be inscribed in the land registry. If you are unable to attend the Notary, arrangements can be made for a Power of Attorney to be granted enabling another person to attend on your behalf.

Anyone purchasing a property will be required to obtain an NIE number. This a tax identification number and is required by law in Spain. This is for every individual who is working or residing in Spain. It can be easily arranged but be aware that every town has a different method and we recommend seeking advice once in the area of your choice.

It is also necessary to open a Spanish bank account.
This is a very simple process. The only requirement is a valid passport and an initial deposit. Most banks have English speaking staff and internet banking facilities. Your lawyer will then instruct all utility bills to be paid by direct debit from your account.

IBI (Local Rates)Refuse collection, road maintenance etc. The amount payable is dependent on the area and meterage of the property and far less than the Uk Council Tax.

Community Fees

If your property is on an Urbanisation, there is a fee for general maintenance of the swimming pool, grounds, lighting and admin costs. Approximate fees are between €400 – €700 per annum.

  • Water and Electricity
  • Standard charges.
  • Property Insurance
  • Buildings and contents

Viewing trips

Buying your dream property in Spain is a big decision and that is why we offer you a subsidized viewing trip to take a lot of the hard work away from you.

Knowing your budget is the easy part but deciding which area to choose and what kind of property can be very daunting. We talk, listen and then advise to find the best place in the sun for you.

Please contact us with the dates and we will arrange everything.

We will meet you at the airport and take you to a local 4* Hotel.

Depending on your arrival time we will provide a full day of properties to show you within your budget and in the location of your choice.

We will show you the local towns, beaches, restaurants and places of interest.

We can introduce you to banks who can offer up to 70% finance if required.

We can advise on furniture shops and where to get the best bargains.

We can introduce you to a lawyer for the best advise on purchasing a property in Spain. Always take legal advise.

We then take you back to the airport with your new knowledge of Spain and a lot to think about.